Subpoenas have been issued at your jail for an inmate claim that his continuing headaches were ignored and he was denied necessary treatment of his ‘serious medical need’. Your risk manager and legal counsel will be meeting with staff members involved in the case, including nurses involved in triaging the sick call slips. They are referring to this as a…
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Correctional Nurse Legal Briefs: Understanding Serious Medical Needs
In September, 2012, the MA Department of Corrections was ordered by a federal judge to provide sex-reassignment surgery for a transsexual prison inmate to meet 8th amendment rights to treatment to meet serious medical need. The inmate had been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and had failed other, more conservative, options such as hormonal therapy and psychotherapy. This court…
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Plan Now for No Regrets in 2013
I recently came across the work of writer, Bronnie Ware. She spent several years caring for dying people in their homes and collected the regrets of those she cared for. As I turn my thoughts to the fresh New Year ahead, this list helped me focus on what I wanted to accomplish in the 12 months of 2013. Here are…
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