The officer working in A pod calls to medical and reports that several individuals are complaining of feeling generally unwell, with blurred vision, muscle weakness and some difficulty breathing. Nurse McKenzie responds to the unit to evaluate the patients. She is concerned that all these cases are from one housing unit. She completes her evaluation and contacts the provider on-call….
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Correctional Nursing: Is It For You?
Very few nurses decide on a nursing career with the thought “I want to be a jail nurse”
Correctional Nurse Clinical Practice Update: Asthma II:
Nursing Assessment of the Asthma Patient The assessment of a patient with asthma should begin with baseline vital signs, including a pulse oximetry reading. The patient’s lungs should be auscultated, and notation should be made of the patient’s skin color, temperature and moisture. A basic physical examination will also include auscultation of the heart and an abdominal assessment. A baseline peak…
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