While bullying and incivility can occur anywhere, the stressful nature of the healthcare environment and the human self-protective “fight or flight” response are important in the development of bullying and incivility in nursing. This is the first in a two-part series on Bullying and Incivility for the Correctional Nurse. This information is based on The Correctional Nurse Educator class entitled…
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Correctional Nurse Professional Update: Saying “No” to Patient Requests
As nurses, we want to provide quality and appropriate health care to our patients. In the correctional environment, we understand that our patients can’t just decide to go to another practice or bring themselves to the urgent care or emergency department for their symptoms, and so it is even more important that we collect the necessary subjective information and complete…
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Correctional Nursing Alert: Ectopic Pregnancy
A young woman in custody at a large urban jail had continuing abdominal pain over a 14 hour period. She was found unresponsive in her cell and rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival. Autopsy revealed a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. What assessments and testing should have been done for this woman? The word “ectopic” means out of…
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