Chest pain is a common complaint in the correctional environment, as it is in the larger community. We, perhaps, are better suited than our community colleagues to address complaints of chest pain, because we have the ability to monitor our patients closely. Many individuals today are aware that chest pain may signal a potentially life-threatening condition and quickly bring it to our…
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Correctional Nurse Tales from Jails and Prisons: It’s Not Always Detox
This is a Classic post that is just as pertinent today as it was when first written! Danielle Carbon, LPN, works in a county jail with an average daily census of 1300. Here is her correctional nursing tale. The Background I’ve been working as a correctional nurse in a county jail for 8 years. One phrase that seems to come…
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Correctional Nursing in This Time of Pandemic
These comments are based upon those included in our April Monthly Newsletter – The Correctional Nurse – that is sent out to all subscribers of CorrectionalNurse.Net, The Correctional Nurse Educator and Nursing Behind the Wall. Subscriptions are free. It is notable that even in a few weeks since our newsletter was written, deaths have wildly increased in the United States…
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