I was raised on Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle novels and still find shows like Elementary and Sherlock captivating. In fact, it is the detective work inherent in health care assessment and diagnosis that drew me to this profession and still keeps me interested some three decades later. Oh, for the clarity of mind of Hercules Poirot and Sherlock…
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Don’t Take Sides in an Inmate Dispute
Inmates live in a harsh reality and a scarce economy. Stripped of most personal possessions and living on an imposed schedule, they have little control over their lives. Correctional nurses see the same patients day after day, sometimes for years, and can get to know their patients well. However, inmates must still be kept at a distance as familiarity can…
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Top 5 Posts of 2017
It has been another fantastic year at CorrectionalNurse.net. I am delighted to provide this informational outpost for nurses working in the challenging and often invisible correctional nursing specialty. As 2017 draws to a close, I want to thank you for being a dedicated reader and for desiring to work with this vulnerable, marginalized patient population in the low-resourced, ethically challenging…
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