Tina Maschi, PhD, LCSW, ACSW, Associate Professor at Fordham University and President of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work talks about dementia in the prison population in this episode of Correctional Nursing Today. She recently published, along with several colleagues, an article in The Gerontologist entitled Forget me Not: Dementia in Prison. Dementia is a significant concern for…
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Sleepless in Seattle: And Jails and Prisons Across the Country
Sleep is a health habit that we don’t think much about unless we are having trouble with it. As I have aged, I have become a frequent member of the Insomnia Club. It is amazing how cranky I can get with just one sleepless night. Compound that sleep loss and other things start going wrong. The CDC links chronic sleep…
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Hurricane Sandy and Correctional Nurse Heroes
A guest post by Liza Jervis, RN, CCHP-RN, Health Service Administrator, Hudson County Department of Corrections, Kearny, NJ When an area is hit with a natural disaster, the media spotlights the heroic efforts of various nurse groups. Often missed are the efforts of nurses who care for their patients behind bars. Here is my story of the heroic and equally-extraordinary…
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