I was driving home one hot summer day after a long shift where nothing went right. I was tired, irritated and frustrated with traffic. I switched on the radio and Seals & Croft sang out about a Summer Breeze rolling through the jasmine and suddenly memories of a wonderful summer day of long ago flooded my mind. In an instant…
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Multicultural Awareness for Correctional Nurses (podcast)
Mark Fleming, PhD, Licensed Psychologist and Director of Reentry Services for the Missouri Prison System, talks about the need for multicultural awareness in correctional healthcare practice. Multicultural awareness involves a greater understanding, sensitivity and appreciation of the history, values, experiences, and lifestyles to groups of people who aren’t your own. Those groups can include anything from race to ethnicity, gender,…
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Butterfly McQueen Would Not Make It as a Correctional Nurse
Butterfly McQueen made her acting debut as ‘Prissy’ the flighty maid of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind. Her most memorable line was “I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthin’ babies!” Butterfly would not make it as a correctional nurse where 6-10% of female inmates arrive pregnant and labor and delivery are high-risk and unpredictable. The Prison Journal recounts legal…
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