Even good prisons are terrible pressure cookers. Inmates have to live with this every day. Staff have to come into it every day. Could meditation help? This video describes some staff and inmate experiences with meditation. Do you think it is a good idea? [youtube=http://youtu.be/OwG77NXbJkE]
The Murky Past of Medical Research in Prisons
My clinical experience in a variety of settings always involved participation and application of clinical research. When I entered the correctional setting in the early 2000’s I was surprised at how closed the specialty was to research. Many departments of corrections have a hard and fast rule – no research involving inmates, no exceptions. With modern safeguards of participant informed…
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Featured Video: Jail Tattoos
I’m not sure why someone would want to know how to make a jail tattoo….except maybe some of our inmate patients, I guess. However, correctional nurses need to know that these procedures go on in jail and prison cells all over the country. The process is crude and the instruments are often unclean. That means plenty of potential for infection…
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