The majority of our correctional patients are still fairly young. Many of the youthful (and not-so-youthful) incarcerated individuals spend their available time in sports and bodybuilding activities. These individuals are prone to contracting exertional rhabdomyolysis (“Rhabdo”). Correctional nurses need to be alert to this potential health problem and respond timely and appropriately to deter a potentially fatal outcome. What Causes…
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Preventing Inmate Suicide: The Ultimate Patient Safety Measure
Suicide is a leading cause of inmate death in both settings. According to the US Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, there are over 300 county jail suicides each year. That makes suicide the leading cause of death in jails. If you work in a jail or prison, preventing suicide is a primary way to decrease patient injury and death….
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Correctional Nursing and Suicide Prevention
SUICIDE IN CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES The recent high profile suicide deaths in correctional facilities have brought a national focus on suicide and suicide prevention programs in corrections. Most recently, the statistics that we have (or do not have) about the incidences of suicide in our correctional facilities have come under scrutiny. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the last published data (in…
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