Tanya was working in a state prison in the nursing pool to make extra money for her college tuition. She was studying to be a nurse practitioner and thought it would be a good experience for her. Although she was learning much from her shifts there, she was also distressed by the treatment of a mentally ill inmate who was…
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The Final Episode (Podcast 150)
Even good things have an ending. After nine years in operation, the Correctional Nursing Today podcast is closing. This episode – 150 – is the last for the show. On January 21, 2010, I had my first ever podcast using a platform called “Blogtalk Radio”. I recently loaded up that first episode and cringed at my delivery and hosting skills….
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Caring for Women in Prison: Reproductive Health
Twenty-five-year-old Joanie found out she was pregnant during routine screening on intake to the city jail. She had been picked up during a street sweep over the New Year’s holiday. A series of poor decisions and an addiction to cocaine that she couldn’t shake had landed her on the street, sleeping rough, and getting by sleeping at the local shelter,…
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