Lorry’s guest for this episode is Alexandra Wimberly, PhD, Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work in Baltimore. She and her colleague, Dr. Malitta Engstrom, published the article Stress, Substance Use, and Yoga in the Context of Community Reentry Following Incarceration in the January 2018 issue of the Journal of Correctional Health Care. http://traffic.libsyn.com/cornrstdy/CNT148_-_Yoga.mp3 Stress and…
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Older Women in Prison: Menopause and Osteoporosis Concerns
Hazel is a diminutive 56-year-old state prisoner serving a life sentence for murder. She has been incarcerated for 18 years now and recently fell on the icy path while heading from her housing unit to breakfast early one morning. She sustained Colles fractures of both wrists. While being treated for the fractures she was also diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis. Not…
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Factors that Promote and Hinder Medication Adherence in a Correctional Setting (Podcast 147)
In this podcast episode, Lorry talks with Keith Courtney, DO, CCHP, Alberta Health Services Facilities – Medical Director for Correctional Health Services, in Alberta, Canada. He and his colleagues (Dr. Lauren Cuthbertson, Dr. Karolina Koalewski, and Dr. Jennifer Edge) have published the article Factors that Promote and Hinder Medication Adherence from the Perspective of Inmates in a Provincial Remand Center: A…
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