Jennifer, an RN at a city jail. is about to go off shift but wants to check on an inmate who was still in booking awaiting a housing assignment. He had come in disheveled and wasn’t making logical connections in conversation. His BAL and FSBS were in normal range. She wanted to know if he as stable or deteriorating. When…
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Is Patient-Centered Care Possible in Corrections?
The concept of patient-centered care was originally described in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on health care quality Crossing the Quality Chasm as “providing care that is respective of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs, and values and ensuring that patient values guide all clinical decisions”. This is a difficult proposition in a secure environment where health care…
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Book Review – Game Over! Strategies for Redirecting Inmate Deception
In many ways, dealing with incarcerated patients is like dealing with a patient in any setting. After all, diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis are conditions experienced by patients in general practice, too. However, correctional nurses must also interact with prisoners as our patients and it is the personality, motivations, and mindsets of our patient population that can often trip us up….
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