CorrectionalNurse.Net is going strong – well into a fourth year of publication. The following 6 posts were viewed over 1000 times this past year. Check them out if you missed them when they originally aired. Stay tuned for more great information in the year ahead. CorrectionalNurse.Net is here to inspire professional correctional nursing practice. I hope you visit often and…
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Review of Correctional Health Care News of 2012 (Podcast)
A lot has been going on in correctional health care these last 12 months and we have selected our top picks for review moving into the New Year. Regular panelists Catherine Knox and Sue Smith provide insight into these past events. Affordable Care Act Numero Uno on our list has to be the Affordable Care Act. With passage in 2010…
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Danger Will Robinson! Christmas Week in Corrections
We are moving into one of the most dangerous weeks of the year in our specialty. We need a robot flailing his arms and shouting “Danger” as we head into our facilities these next few days. Here is a reminder post from last December to help you keep on your toes. The Merriest of Christmas’ to all my blog readers….
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