Regular panelist, Sue Smith, MSN, RN, CCHP-RN, and guest panelist Sue Lane, RN, CCHP, join host Lorry Schoenly in a discussion of recent infection outbreaks in the news this month. Our first story comes from Oklahoma, where the State Department of Corrections reports the need to make contact with about 60 former inmates who are believed to have had contact…
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Correctional Nursing Scope of Practice Issues Podcast
Amanda White, BSN, RN, co-author of the research study “Exploring Scope of Practice Issues for Correctional Facility Nurses in Montana” talks about the results of her research into scope of practice issues for correctional nurses in the Montana Prison System. Amanda published her research with co-investigator Laura Larsson in the January, 2012 issue of Journal of Correctional Health Care. The…
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Eating Disorders Can Be Dangerous: Screen Your Inmate Patients
Incarcerated women have increased chances for eating disorders and they can be deadly. The in-custody death of a young anorexic woman several years ago points out the potentially fatal nature of these conditions when extreme. This case was complicated by communication issues and recent changes in facility processes, but it exemplifies the concern correctional nurses should have for screening and…
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